The management team at EnerStar plays a crucial role in navigating the cooperative through the constantly evolving electric industry. The team members are as follows: Front row (left to right): Kim Stewart, Kira Taylor and Angela Griffin. Back row (left to right): Dave Clinton, Greg Hollingsworth and Shannon Quinn.
Strategic Management Team
This month, in the final edition of our ongoing series introducing our co-op employees, we will highlight EnerStar’s Strategic Management Team (SMT). This team works together, sometimes outside of their job descriptions, to serve the collective needs of the co-op employees and the membership.
About the Management Team members
Kim Stewart is the Chief Operating Officer. She oversees administration, board relations and safety while managing human resources for the co-op’s employees. Stewart is a Southern Illinois University graduate with 32 years of experience in the HR field, including 6 years since joining the EnerStar team in 2018.
Kira Taylor became part of the co-op family in December 2023 as the Chief Financial Officer. She earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting and a master’s degree in business administration from Eastern Illinois University. She is a Certified Public Accountant with over 20 years of accounting and auditing experience.
Angela Griffin is the Manager of Marketing and Communications and has recently taken on the CEO role. She has been a member of the co-op family since 1989, after graduating from Indiana State University.
Dave Clinton joined EnerStar in 2018 as its Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and accepted the role of CEO in 2022. Clinton has had a long career in the rural electric cooperative industry, beginning in 1978 and spanning the states of Washington, Virginia and concluding in Illinois. He recently retired from the CEO role and will assist the co-op during the CEO transition.
Greg Hollingsworth was welcomed back to EnerStar in 2022 as Manager of Engineering and Operations and is responsible for the reliability of the co-op’s electric infrastructure. Greg had previously worked at EnerStar from 1988 to 2008 as a journeyman lineman, eventually serving as foreman.
Shannon Quinn is the Manager of Information Technology and joined the co-op in 2023. Shannon attended SIU Carbondale and joined the co-op family after four years at the Illinois Department of Transportation, where he served as a utilities coordinator. Before that, he worked in IT/GIS at the Edgar County Highway Department.